Saturday, July 4, 2009

After effects...

I made it through the dentist has been an uneasy couple of days.
I am laughing to myself as I type this..never put to much stock in the instructions they give you after the the blood clot may come out or shift from the extraction and you will then have to deal with the VERY painful "dry hole".....ouch...!!!!!!.

The root channel went well, but long and the extraction went so smoothly that I hardly knew what was happening..... After effects...eating out of the other side of my!!!!!.....making sure that everything is warm .....and soft.....and then the lovely swishing with salt water.YUCK !!!!!!

One effect that I hope goes away soon is my fat cheek.....that is what I get with my mouth being propped for about three hours...did not know that my mouth could be open for that long without a word coming out......LOL The ice pack is helping but it is taking some time for the swelling to go down .....

Well I can complain or I can deal with it...guess which one I choose...LOL....Thanks Nate for the lovely comment......

Have a great day and if your American happy Fourth................

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